Web, Mobile & Graphic Design

Hello 👋, my name is

Shine Teye.

I am a



About Me

Solving Problems One Line of Code at a Time 👌


Hey there, I'm a passionate and versatile Full Stack Developer, Mobile App Developer, Graphic Designer, UI/UX Designer, and 3D Modeler with over 4 years of experience in programming and graphic designing.

• Design That Captivates •

My journey as a Graphic Designer and UI/UX Designer has taught me the importance of aesthetics and user experience. I take pride in crafting visually stunning and intuitive designs that make applications stand out from the crowd.

• A Multifaceted Skill Set •

My journey in the tech world has led me to explore various facets of development and design. I have a strong foundation in Python and JavaScript programming, allowing me to build robust and efficient applications. I've crafted numerous web and mobile applications utilizing cutting-edge technologies like the MERN stack and Django.

• Diving into the Third Dimension •

In addition to my development and design prowess, I have ventured into the realm of 3D modeling, allowing me to bring imaginative worlds to life

• Empowering Interfaces •

Creating seamless connections between backends and frontends is one of my passions. I find tremendous joy in utilizing the Django Rest Framework to build powerful APIs that interact seamlessly with user interfaces.

• One Stone, 2 birds •

From web to mobile, I have honed my skills in React, Next.js, and React Native to develop engaging and user-friendly applications that leave a lasting impact on users.

• Curiosity Driven and Always Learning •

I am naturally curious and love to tinker with new technologies. In the ever-evolving tech landscape, I embrace opportunities to learn and grow, ensuring I stay at the forefront of innovation.

My Journey

Code, Create, Collaborate: My Developer Journey

Front End Development


From the moment I built my first HTML webpage, I knew that Frontend Development was my calling. The art of blending design with functionality fascinated me, and I dove headfirst into the world of web technologies. As I continued to explore the realm of CSS and JavaScript, I discovered the power of creating captivating user interfaces that leave users in awe. Throughout my journey, I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Collaborating with designers and backend developers, I've learned the art of translating creative visions into pixel-perfect layouts and seamless interactions. My passion for optimizing performance and accessibility drives me to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies, ensuring that every user's journey is smooth and delightful.

Back End Development


My journey as a Backend Developer began with a fascination for the hidden mechanics that power the digital world. From designing databases to architecting server-side logic, I am captivated by the intricacies of backend technologies. My dedication to writing efficient and scalable code has led me to explore various programming languages and frameworks, each contributing to my arsenal of problem-solving tools. Working in dynamic environments, I have mastered the art of building robust APIs that serve as the backbone of web and mobile applications. With every project, I embrace the challenges of security, performance, and data integrity, ensuring that the systems I develop are not only functional but also reliable. The satisfaction of knowing that my work empowers frontend developers and creates seamless user experiences drives me to continually push the boundaries of my expertise.

UI/UX Design


From a young age, I was captivated by how design could shape human interactions with technology. My journey as a UI/UX Designer began with an insatiable curiosity to understand user behavior and needs. I have walked in the shoes of users, identifying pain points and opportunities for enhancement. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, I have witnessed the transformative power of well-crafted interfaces. My commitment to continuous improvement drives me to seek inspiration from the world around me, ensuring that each design I create reflects empathy, innovation, and elegance.

Graphic Design


As a child, I found myself lost in the world of colors and illustrations, sketching characters and landscapes in my notebooks. Little did I know that this artistic passion would shape my career as a Graphic Designer. From the early days of experimenting with design software to working on real client projects, my journey has been an exploration of creativity and visual storytelling. I thrive on collaborating with clients to understand their visions and transform them into eye-catching designs that leave a lasting impression. Each project is an opportunity to grow, learn, and infuse a piece of myself into the art I create.

Let's have a look at some things i've built

Osdarts Place

Osdarts Place

A website to showcase the living space located in carlton place, Canada

Technologies: Next JS, Tailwind CSS

Responsive Website

Responsive Website

A web page using tailwind css

Technologies: JavaScript, Tailwind CSS

Learning Typing

Learning Typing

A prototype web app for learning typing

Technologies: REACT JS, Tailwind CSS

School Management System

School Management System

A School Management System

Technologies: Next Js, Tailwind CSS, Django, PostgreSQL



A MOBILE APP for Gas delivery services

Technologies: REACT NATIVE, MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS

Inventory Management System

Inventory Management System

An Desktop Inventory Management System

Technologies: Python, SQL lite

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Get In Touch

Ping me and I will reach out to you 👌😉


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